Training & Extension Services


We equip farmers (prospective and practicing farmers) with valuable knowledge and skills required for optimal profit making. Our training school provides practical basic and continuous education in poultry, aquaculture and ruminant practice (Vocational) and Entrepreneurship Training.

Our facilitators also provide customer service, technical education and business support to help those who raise and care for livestock, manage their businesses more effectively.

Our Training Programmes at Funtuna Institute of Livestock and Aquaculture Management and Technology (FILAMAT) include

  • Basic training for new entrants/investors in poultry, aquaculture & ruminant business
  • Specialised training for new knowledge in various aspects of poultry, aquaculture & ruminant practice
  • Customised training tailored to suit peculiar needs of organisations, conducted on our campus and off campus
  • Entrepreneurship Training (AGSMEIS based)

FILAMAT Entrepreneurship Training certificate enables access to AGSMEIS facility of NIRSAL microfinance bank at 9% interest rate.

2 Day Basic Training Programme on POULTRY PRODUCTION for;

  •  Prospective investors in Poultry Farming
  • Owners of Small Scale Farms.
  • Farm Supervisors/Attendants. Retirees.
  • Young/ Unemployed Graduates.
  • Those Planning for Retirement Vocation
  • Interested Members of the Public

FOR ENQUIRIES CALL: Oluseun Oyinloye 08050497862 or 07030659896